
PresidingBishop Kevin McCafferty
ConductingBrother Robert Ward
OrganistSister Darlene Fish
Music DirectorSis Jolene Moore
Opening Hymn#143 “Let The Holy Spirit Guide”
InvocationBrother Blake Draper
Ward and Stake business
Sacrament Hymn#188 “Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done”
SpeakerBrother Glen Fish
Intermediate Hymn#1005 “His Eye Is On The Sparrow”
SpeakerBrother Colton Rawlings
Closing Hymn#157 “Thy Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred Our Souls”
BenedictionBrother Richard Webb


  • Stake Temple and Mission Preparation preparation today at 3:30
  • Primary Service Activity March 22 10-11:30am at the church, They will be tying fleece blankets for those in need.
  • The Valiant 9/10 class is leading an animal shelter project for the primary. Donations needed to make animal toys: wooden dowel, string, feathers, old socks, old t shirts, tennis balls, dog/cat treats, toilet paper rolls. Donations the shelter would love: dawn dish detergent, paper towels, dog treats, peanut butter, soft dog treats, canned dog/cat food, dry cat food. Drop off donations at Klundts house before April 26
  • Stake Conference March 29 and 30
  • 10 Volunteers needed for Stake Conference Choir March 30, please speak with Bishop for details
  • General Conference April 5-6
  • Stake youth education night: youth April 9 at 7pm at stake center, parents, and leaders invited.
  • Ward Spring Activity April 12 at church pavilion, Easter Egg Hunt and Taco bar