Presiding | Bishop Kevin McCafferty |
Conducting | Brother Robert Ward |
Organist | Sister Darlene Fish |
Music Director | Sis Jolene Moore |
Opening Hymn | #30 “Come, Come, Ye Saints” |
Invocation | Sister Michelle Bacca-Llamas |
Ward and Stake business | |
Sacrament Hymn | #194 “There Is A Green Far Away” |
Bearing of Testimonies | |
Closing Hymn | #1010 “Amazing Grace” |
Benediction | Sister Sheryl Groneman |
- Fees due March 2 for any young women going to Oak Crest. Please speak with Sister April Woodbury
- Global Youth Activity for those who are 11-12 years old. March 5, 7pm - 8pm. 100 South West Temple Salt Lake City, UT
- Roots Tech March 6 - 8th Worldwide family history conference online and at the SLC Expo Center
- Young Men and Women Regional dance March 8, 7-10pm. W Jordan River Oaks Stake Center. Wear appropriate church attire. See bishop for a dance card
- Primary Service Activity March 22, They will be tying fleece blankets. If you have fleece to donate that would be great. It needs to be at least 1.5 yards or bigger. These blankets are sent to people in war, violence, natural disaster, or religious persecution areas
- Stake Conference March 29 and 30
- 10 Volunteers needed for Stake Conference Choir March 30, please speak with Bishop for details
- Ward Spring Activity April 12 at church pavilion, Easter Egg Hunt and Taco bar